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S2000 Rim Spacing

The measurement of the outboard wheel lip to the wheel's hub mounting surface
  Stock rims frontrear (rim #1) Aftermarket rims (rim #2) Spacing difference***
Rim width: (inches) (inches)  
Offset *: (+mm) (+mm)  
Frontspacing**: (mm)
Rearspacing**: (mm)
* Positive offset goes front the centerline towards the outboard side (side of car)
Negative offset goes from the wheel's centerline towards the inboard side (middle of car)
** The higher number for front spacing, the more the rim stick outwards relative to the fenders. Too much will result in rubbing with the wheel settle into the suspension travel.
The higher the number for rear spacing, the more the rim stick towards to the suspension. Too much may result in the wheels hitting some suspension parts.
*** Spacing difference explained: Negative spacing difference of frontspacing means the outboard side of rim #2 is further away from (sticking out of) the car.
The calculation is for reference only. Please refer to your car manufacturer for more info.
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